Cesar Millan, the world-renowned dog behavior specialist and co-creator and star of the popular television show “Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan,” is bringing his dog training tips and advice to people around the globe in his live tour.
Mr. Millan will be in Costa Rica on Saturday, January 28 at 8:00 pm at el Estadio Nacional and tickets are on sale now!
We know this is not a review but this is a must see show for all dog lovers in Costa Rica.
One of the reason we are promoting mr. Millan is because the A.H.P.P.A. (Animal Shelter Costa Rica) is working in cooperation with the event promoter, RPMTV/Xtreme Family Entertainment, AHPPA has negotiated the opportunity to sell tickets to our friends and supporters and retain a portion of the proceeds to help fund our spay and neuter programs.
What a great, fun way to increase understanding and awareness of animal welfare!
Here's how it works: Review the seating chart of the Estadio Nacional and identify the section in which you wish to sit (tickets prices are on the far right).
To purchase your tickets come to the Pet Shop at the Refugio de Animales (AHPPA) in San Rafael de Heredia or telephone 2267-7158 or 2267-6374 or email Lilian at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Pay for your ticket no later than Monday, January 23. Tickets will be distributed at the Pet Shop at the Refugio beginning Thursday, January 26 and must be picked up no later than Friday, January 27; if you have trouble getting to the Pet Shop call us at the above numbers and we will discuss options.
You do have the option of purchasing tickets online through www.laboleteria.com and can receive a discount using your BNCR card however if you want to support AHPPA we encourage you to purchase through us directly.
Note that no ticketing service fee (¢1,500 per ticket) will be charged if you purchase through AHPPA. If you cannot attend, consider purchasing a ticket or group of tickets for people in the community who are not able to afford them. This is a fabulous way to further our education efforts.
You may specify the distribution or we will distribute tickets appropriately and let you know who your beneficiary is.
We hope to be able to offer additional opportunities and promotions so please visit our Facebook page or website blog for updates .
For more information about the Cesar Millan show and the ExpoMascota earlier the same day go to www.rpmtv.co.cr. For more information on how to purchase tickets call us at AHPPA 2267-7158 or 2267-6374 or email Lilian at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
*content taken from the AHPPA Newsletter, subscribe today by visiting, http://www.animalsheltercostarica.org